Department of Inspector General

Established by charter of the Bay County Clerk of Court & Comptroller, the mission of the Department of Inspector General (IG) is to promote accountability and integrity in government and preserve the public trust by providing independent and objective audits, investigations, and consultations designed to add value and improve the Bay County Board of County Commissioners and Clerk of Court & Comptroller’s operations.

The Clerk of the Court & Comptroller of Bay County, an elected official, derives authority and responsibilities from constitutional and statutory provisions. The Clerk of Court & Comptroller established the Department of Inspector General to fulfill the audit and investigative responsibilities of the agency. To provide for the highest degree of independence, staff report to the Inspector General who reports functionally and administratively to the Clerk of Court & Comptroller who is independent of the Board of County Commissioners and County Manager. The Department has no direct responsibility or authority over any area subject to its audits and investigations and is organizationally independent from departments within the Clerk’s office.  

Services Provided:

The Department of Inspector General does not have the authority to audit or investigate the following entities or individuals in Bay County:

  • 14th Judicial Circuit
  • State Attorney’s Office
  • Private attorneys
  • Bay County’s Sheriff
  • Bay County’s Tax Collector
  • Bay County’s Property Appraiser
  • Bay County’s Supervisor of Elections